Virtual Event Solutions for Workforce Development Organizations

We know that workforce development organizations and state-level unemployment offices are vital to local and regional economies. Brazen helps your team find gainful employment for local job seekers and connects employers with top talent in your region through multi-company virtual career fairs, online skills development programs and so much more.

Why You Should Choose Brazen

Create an Amazing Candidate Experience

Our redesigned, mobile-friendly platform delivers a high-quality experience for all participants and gives you the power to host engaging virtual events anywhere and everywhere.

Optimize Your Resources

Taking your events online reduces the costs associated with venue fees, equipment rental, and travel expenses typical of an in-person career fair. Another perk of going virtual? You will also increase your communications and decrease your response time with easier post-event follow-up.

Help Job Seekers Connect to Top Employers

When you host multi-company virtual career fairs on Brazen’s powerful platform, you improve accessibility and remove geographic constraints for your attendees. Virtual events also mean increased engagement between local residents and employers in your region.
Person on computer with expo lobby
The Benefits of Brazen

Here’s How Your Organization Can Benefit

Let your organization shine with Brazen’s intuitive platform. Choose the virtual events software that gives you the ability to:

  • Host multi-company virtual expos that connect local residents directly with potential employers
  • Put together online information sessions for job candidates in your region
  • Develop engaging and interactive skills development programs